- Maker: Mike Lynn / Holland Cutrell
- Genre: Informative / Sonic Composition
- Level: Graduate
- Program: Composition, Rhetoric, and Digital Media
- Course: WRIT 5340: Multimodality & Digital Media
- Instructor: Dr. Eric Mason
- Semester Created: Winter 2021
This assignment consisted of leading a class discussion of assigned readings under a certain theme. The week that I was given had focused on Sonic Rhetoric and Sonic Pedagogy, featuring Selfe’s The Movement of Air, the Breath of Meaning, VanKooten’s Singer, Writer, Rodrigue et al’s Navigating the Soundscape, Composing with Audio and Sabia’ The Technology of Storytelling.
Working through the Sonic Composition chapter of WRIT5340 was an enjoyable one, for certain! Sonic rhetoric and sonic pedagogy have been familiar topics before producing this presentation, making this section even more fascinating to me. Discussing sonic composition with my colleagues was a pleasurable experience, as I enjoy podcasts, music and experimental audio composition, as well as anything that falls under the broad scope of sonic composition/pedagogy. Further, I always find it enjoyable to share new information that I’ve learned on a topic that I enjoy with friends and colleagues alike.