- Maker: Jeffrey LaPointe
- Genre: Booklet
- Level: Graduate
- Program: Composition, Rhetoric, and Digital Media
- Course: WRIT 5800: Editing, Layout, and Design
- Instructor: Dr. Eric Mason
- Semester Created: Winter 2020
I am a writer, so I chose to attempt to design a multi-columned booklet that displays a narrative essay I wrote for a small literary magazine a few years ago. I abridged and shortened the essay for my brochure to save a few pages and to lessen the reading time that prospective readers would need to read my story. I believe that a shorter brochure would be more palatable to any prospective “audience.” I also incorporated into the brochure a graphic that I had designesd for a course I had taken previously.
I attempted to do two main iterations of the brochure, including a second one for which I had considered feedback that my class instructor had given me regarding my brochure’s first cut, which I had done with the aid of Scribus desktop software. Feedback I considered included, for example, adding a front page as a cover (to where I also moved the graphic) and trying to make each sheet double-sided.