- Maker: Emma Masur
- Genre: Parody Project
- Level: Graduate
- Program: Composition, Rhetoric, and Digital Media
- Course: WRIT 5340: Multimodality & Digital Media
- Instructor: Dr. Eric Mason
- Semester Created: Winter 2021
For project 1, I have been most inspired by the Spoof Ads from Adbusters. Since the introduction of the project, I knew I would want to reinvent this Canon through a graphic design approach. This past fall semester, I dabbled in creating cookbooks for the final Transmedia project. This project will allow me to practice my digital editing skills while exploring the realm of satirical advertisements.
The art that I have chosen to reimagine is created by Anne Traintor. Traintor graduated from Harvard in 1977 with a degree in Visual and Environmental Studies. Traintor’s artwork pairs mid-century imagery with modern slogans to reflect themes of domestic stereotypes women faced in the 1950s (and still are subjected to this day). I chose to redefine Traintor’s artwork because I have grown up with her work on display in my own home and have always enjoyed her style and sense of humor. I plan to choose 3 cohesive prints and add my own twist to the slogan of each piece of work. I hope to rewrite each slogan in a modern yet satirical way. Each slogan will be rewritten to express COVID-19, specifically, in a satirical way. While the imagery reflects mid-century themes, I want the slogans to portray current issues that the world is facing today.
Please head to my personalized portfolio website to read the reflection of this project: https://emasur.wixsite.com/emmultimodality2021