- Maker: Cailin Rolph
- Genre: Audio Project
- Level: Graduate
- Program: Composition, Rhetoric, and Digital Media
- Course: WRIT 5340: Studies in Multimodality and Digital Media
- Instructor: Dr. Eric Mason
- Semester Created: Winter 2023
walls of the museum. From this was the inception my very own soundscape. What followed was a symphony of female joy as a sort of response to, or an homage rather, to my manifesto to funny women.
For my fourth project, I created an audio file of women in my life laughing. This was meant to pay homage to the previous two projects, specifically the conversation of female laughter and feminist comedy that I focused on for my manifesto. I used Crystal Vankooten’s Singer Writer: A Choric Experience of Sound and Writing as inspiration for my audio file, reflecting on the visceral quality the layering effect had on me the first time I heard it. Vankooten was able to draw a connection between composing aurally and singing. It heavily influenced how I arranged my own piece and eventually lead me to make changes in my piece before I ended up submitting it. Navigating the Soundsystem and Composing With Audio to help envisage how these kinds of practices could be adopted in composition classrooms. This piece gave exigence to my audio project, allowing me to gain some insight into the future of such projects.
Rodrigue, T. K., Artz, K., Bennett, J., Carver, M. P., Grandmont, M., Harris, D., Hashem, D., Mooney, A., Rand, M., & Zimmerman, A. (n.d.). Navigating the soundscape, composing with audio. (n.d.). Kairos. https://kairos.technorhetoric.net/21.1/praxis/rodrigue/index.html
VanKooten, C. (n.d.). Singer, writer: A choric exploration of sound and writing. Kairos. https://kairos.technorhetoric.net/21.1/inventio/vankooten/index.html